137 opposition members join Ivory Coast’s ruling RHDP party

137 members of various opposition parties officially joined the ruling Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP) in a significant political shift in Ivory Coast during a ceremony held on Monday, November 25, 2024, at the party’s headquarters in Abidjan.
Koné Kafana, President of the RHDP Executive Board, welcomed the new members, describing their decision as a step toward collective progress.
“Today, we celebrate the adhesion of 137 members from the Haut Sassandra region, representing major national political parties including the FPI, PPA-CI, and PDCI, to the RHDP,” he announced.
Kafana praised their choice as one prioritizing national interest.
“These individuals have chosen development over division, a collective decision reflecting their confidence in our vision,” he said, while acknowledging local leaders who played a pivotal role in facilitating this transition.
The event, Kafana added, underscores the growing popularity of the RHDP under President Alassane Ouattara’s leadership.
“This adherence by the people and leaders of Haut Sassandra demonstrates once again the widespread support Ivorians have for the progress achieved under President Ouattara,” he said.
With the 2025 presidential election on the horizon, the RHDP has reiterated its support for Ouattara as its candidate, viewing his leadership as essential to sustaining Côte d’Ivoire’s economic and social advancements.
“This event is a testament to our party’s vitality and growing influence, further solidifying the RHDP as Côte d’Ivoire’s leading political force,” Kafana declared.
He attributed the new members’ allegiance to recent RHDP victories in regional and municipal elections, particularly in Haut Sassandra, traditionally an opposition stronghold.
Among the new adherents are 19 members from the PDCI, 68 from Laurent Gbagbo’s PPA-CI, 10 from LMP, 19 from the FPI, one from Guillaume Soro’s party, seven from COJEP, and 13 unaffiliated individuals.
Kafana urged the new members to rally behind President Ouattara, calling him “a true asset not only for Ivory Coast’s economic and social development but also for the peace, security, and stability of our nation.”