King Mohammed VI calls on UN to fulfill its responsibilities in Western Sahara dispute

King Mohammed VI of Morocco urged the United Nations to take decisive action on the Western Sahara conflict. Speaking to the nation on Wednesday, the monarch highlighted what he described as the need for the international body to distinguish between legitimate, internationally recognized solutions and outdated, unrealistic narratives maintained by certain parties.
The King underscored Morocco’s steadfast commitment to international legality, contrasting this with other factions’ adherence to outdated positions that have long been dismissed by the global community.
“The time is therefore ripe for the United Nations to assume its responsibilities by highlighting the stark difference between two paradigms: the one embodied by Morocco in its Sahara, realistic and legitimate, and the other rooted in a rigid vision, detached from reality and evolving developments,” King Mohammed VI declared.
In a pointed critique, the King addressed those who continue to advocate for a referendum, despite its impracticality being widely acknowledged.
At the same time, he condemned their refusal to conduct a census of the populations confined within the Tindouf camps, where individuals, he said, are held hostage in deplorable conditions, deprived of their most basic rights.
King Mohammed VI also emphasized Morocco’s continued efforts since the Green March to solidify what he described as a tangible reality and undeniable truth grounded in legality, legitimacy, and responsible engagement.
He highlighted the unwavering loyalty of the Saharan population to their Moroccan identity, underpinned by the historical allegiance, or Beia, connecting them to the Moroccan monarchy.
“The dynamic of renewal, development, security, and stability that the Moroccan Sahara enjoys, alongside the growing international recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara and strong support for the Autonomy Plan, reflect this legitimacy,” the King stated.
Contrasting this, the King expressed disappointment over what he described as an opposing vision that clings to past myths and outdated theses.
“Unfortunately, alongside this legitimate and natural state of affairs stands another configuration, disconnected from the real world and nourished by the myths of the past,” he lamented.