A significant change is set to unfold in Senegal’s fishing industry, as European fishing vessels, primarily from...
Global News
The support of France for Egypt’s Khaled El-Enany as the next Director-General of UNESCO may shape the...
Ethiopia’s National Bank (NBE) announced on Thursday a revision to its foreign currency retention policy, requiring exporters...
The United Nations Security Council has unanimously extended the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization...
After three years of strained relations, France has resumed financial assistance to the Central African Republic (CAR),...
The G20 Summit opens in Rio de Janeiro on November 14, bringing together global leaders to negotiate...
In a pivotal meeting convened on November 11 by Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, leaders...
The Senegalese government has pushed back strongly against the European Union’s announcement to suspend fishing agreements, citing...
Fatima Bint Khatri, Mauritania’s Commissioner for Food Security, welcomed the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, Yoon...
As the Black Friday sales season rolls on, East African e-commerce platform Kilimall has seen a remarkable...